Archive for March 4th, 2008|Daily archive page

ITI Journal #6: Online Resources

There is a plethora of resources available out there on the World Wide Web. The daunting task is distinguishing the fantastic from the futile. I’m always keen to check out new websites and resources that I come across on the Internet, and the emergence of Web 2.0 only feeds my excitement about the endless possibilities available to me as a teacher and on a broader level, as a professional. The important thing to remember is that we try and keep on top of whats new in terms of online resources on the Internet, and not become complacent with the “good enough” ones we already have.

It’s always interesting to have new websites referred to me by friends, family and colleagues and as such, I think I am fairly well placed in that regard. In return I like to think of myself as someone who is always happy to share resources I stumble across as well. Hopefully, for the purposes of this subject, I will be beginning to place a range of the online resources I have come across and/or often use on a page attached to this blog. That way, it is a simple matter of directing anyone who is interested to that page for reference.